Lindsey Landfried
Lindsey Landfried has just returned to the U.S. from Berlin Germany where she completed a one-year fellowship awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for artistic practice. Landfried's work has been supported by the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts, the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council, the Matson Endowment, and the Vermont Studio Center. Landfried is a MacDowell Colony fellow, and a Pittsburgh Flight School Fellow. She is currently exhibiting with KWADRAT Berlin, and has exhibited widely throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Her drawings consist of a single mark- duplicated by the thousands- that accumulates to resemble textiles and binary code. Through this act of meditation, repetition, and monotony, Landfried's work connects loops both literal and figurative, such as static, feedback, and manufacturing. The drawings appear formalist and to in dialogue with Minimalism, but these approaches are repudiated by her infusions of subjective observations, political perspectives, and autobiographical moments